Crumbs from the Master’s Table

Bits from the Master’s Tablet

And now for the rest of the story…

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

– Mark Twain
An image containing the Black Adam movie logo


Why does Perfection choose to work through imperfection?
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A painting of Noah's Ark during in the Great Flood


What changed during the Great Flood? How is it that EVERYONE has gotten “evolution” all wrong?
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A painting of the ancient gold bull-calf idol - Bible, Exodus 32


How is worshipping the gold bull-calf NOT the worst of it here?
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A photo of lightening coming down from the heavens - Bible, 1 Kings 18


So you think fire raining down from the heavens is what success looks like?
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Descending a paraplegic through the roof


How does this self-proclaimed “Son of Man” differ from a prophet?
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